Thursday, July 14, 2011

Writing Process

The writing process for the rhetoric paper is going well so far. It's kind of hard to for to write because I always have a difficult time starting off they paper, but as soon as I get started then everything just flows right in and makes the paper easier to write. After I figured out what my introduction was, its almost like the paper wrote itself from there on out. To me, there's not a specific place I have to be to start writing a paper. I just have to find the motivation to help me write the paper and I'm good to go from there. If I had to pick a specific place to write a paper it would be in the library or just sitting down alone where ever I am at. What really helps me with writing a paper is motivation. If I can be motivated to write the paper then it's really not that hard to write a paper. For this paper on rhetoric, it took me awhile to get started because I couldn't choose what advertisement I wanted to do. This took the longest process because I wanted to write about something interesting and that is commonly seen today. My process for righting this paper was pretty simple. I just had to find an ad that was interesting to me and that I could write about. After I found the ad about the verbal abuse it really made it easier to write because I could relate more to that subject. The writing process was fairly easy for this rhetoric paper and it helped me see how to analyze things more in depth.

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