Monday, July 11, 2011

No Plagiarism

As we all already know plagiarism is taking someone else's work and using it for your own without giving them the credit that it's their work. Not plagiarizing is important to me because you shouldn't make anything that's not yours be your own because its just like stealing. When you plagiarize you steal someone else's work and make it as if you said it yourself. When you plagiarize it's like throwing someone's hard work and research down the drain and making it seem as if you yourself actually found what you are talking about. I promise I will not plagiarize someone else's work because I will make sure that I give whoever's work I'm using credit for whatever research they did. It's not that hard to give the person whose work you are using credit, and I always make sure if I use someone else's work I give them the credit because it's their finding and not mine. I won't plagiarize somebody else's work because you have to give them credit for what information that you are researching and it makes more sense to give the person the acknowledgment that you got your information from them. Plagiarism is a bad thing and you can avoid it by just giving the person credit for what they found or researched. It's a piece of cake as people say nowadays and like Nike says, “just do it”. I promise not to plagiarize any information that I research that another person should deserve the credit for.

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